Saturday, October 8, 2011

Presentation Project

In order to post my presentation online, I used I attempted to use a few other sites; however, this was the first site to truly allow the Powerpoint Presentation to retain its recorded audio and transitions. It wasn't perfect however: the transitions I chose for each individual slide were replaced by default transitions when uploaded to the site.

The Achs Needs Your Support

More PowerPoint presentations from throc morton

In evaluating my presentation: I am happy with most of it, however, not all of it. It had a logical flow and sequence with one slide leading to the next. I believe starting out focusing on a common fondness for pets in society and then asking a question was a good way to grab attention. Also, here I felt the images I used were appropriate. Next, my claims were validated by my sources though, this was difficult as raw data on the issue is non-existent; this is because only estimates are published. Finally, the ability to use recorded audio left my slides uncluttered displaying only graphs and images with (perhaps frivolous) header text. This also allowed me to "Say it, then show it".

On the other hand, there are a few things I am not quite happy with.I feel I could have explained things a little further (more concisely). I was so concerned with sparse time that I relied on my graphs to provide information that might have been more powerful if I had spoken on it. (ex:  estimated 3.5 million animals euthanized per year at shelters: I only spoke of 1/3 of shelter animals and let the graph speak for me.). In the end, it was pointless to have edited so much out as I could not find a video to place into my presentation (this is the reason why the presentation ends 20 seconds before the 3 min. mark).

Another issue is the I feel my graphs are slightly unreadable. By this I mean that the text is to small and one graph is too cluttered. This is mostly due to having had to find a low-tech graph-making site. I had to do so because my excel skills are not particularly strong (the main reason I chose to take this class), and most of those sites require a excel file for import. I made a few attempts but they ended in frustrating failure.

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